Geometry, Lie Theory and Applications
24–28 June, 2019, Ålesund, Norway
(arrival: Sunday 23 June 2019; departure: Saturday 29 June)
The ideas of symmetry and invariance, forming Lie theory,
are central in many applications,
in particular in differential geometry and mathematical physics.
The scientific program is centered about advances in these areas,
including equivalence and deformation theory of geometric structures,
classification of differential invariants and invariant differential operators,
symmetry analysis and integrability of equations of mathematical physics,
progress in parabolic geometry and mathematical aspects of general relativity.
The experts will present the state of the art in their areas of research
and discuss future research directions.
Please note that participation is by invitation only.
The scientific and organizing committee is as follows:
- José Figueroa-O'Farrill (Edinburgh)
- Sigbjørn Hervik (Stavanger)
- Boris Kruglikov (Tromsø)
- Irina Markina (Bergen)
- Jan Slovák (Brno)
- Dennis The (Tromsø)
- Bent Ørsted (Aarhus)
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