Speakers on the Abel Symposium, 2013
The following people will give talks on the Abel Symposium, 2013:
Eric Bedford | Bloomington |
Bo Berndtsson | Gothenburg |
Zbigniew Błocki | Krakow |
Jean-Pierre Demailly | Grenoble |
Tien-Cuong Dinh | Paris |
Peter Ebenfelt | San Diego |
Forstnerič | Ljubljana |
Samuel Grushevski | Stony Brook |
Xiaojun Huang | New Brunswick |
Joe Kohn | Princeton |
Curtis McMullen | Cambridge |
Joël Merker | Paris |
Ngaiming Mok | Hong Kong |
Stefan Nemirovski | Moscow |
Takeo Ohsawa | Osaka |
Nessim Sibony | Paris |
Berit Stensønes | Trondheim |
Tetsuo Ueda | Kyoto |
Sidney Webster | Chicago |
S.-T. Yau | Beijing |
Sai-Kee Yeung | West Lafayette |
Xiang-Yu Zhou | Beijing |
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