Conference Proceedings
On behalf of the Abel Board, the Norwegian Mathematical Society organizes
the Abel Symposia, a series of high
level research conferences. The topic for the 2009 Abel Symposium is
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, with emphasis on combinatorial aspects.
The local organizing committee consists of
- Gunnar Fløystad (University of Bergen) gunnar.floystad <at>
- Trygve Johnsen (University of Tromsø) trygve <at>
- Andreas Leopold Knutsen (University of Bergen) andreas.knutsen <at>
The scientific committee consists of
- Aaron Bertram (Utah)
- David Eisenbud (Berkeley)
- Frank-Olaf Schreyer (Saarbruecken)
- Michael Stillman (Cornell)
- Ravi Vakil (Stanford).
The conference took place at Park Hotell Vossevangen in Voss, just ouside of Bergen, Norway, from Sunday May 31st to Friday June 5th.
There were talks from Monday June 1st through Thursday
June 4th.
The talks were given by
- Aaron Bertram
- Mats Boij
- Anders Buch
- Aldo Conca
- David Eisenbud
- Sergey Fomin
- William Fulton
- Jurgen Herzog
- Joel Kamnitzer
- Dan Laksov
- Diane MacLagan
- Ezra Miller
- Sam Payne
- Frank-Olaf Schreyer
- Jessica Sidman
- Mike Stillman
- Rekha Thomas
- Ravi Vakil
- Jerzy Weyman
- Andrei Zelevnisky
Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday. May 31st.
The easiest way to get to Voss is to fly to Bergen Airport Flesland
(BGO). From there, take the
Airport Bus (Flybussen)
to the Railway Sation in the city centre of Bergen (about 35 min.). From there, take the
local train to Voss (about 1h). The hotel is right next to the railway station in Voss.
An alternative travel route to Voss is to fly to
Oslo Airport Gardermoen, from there take the Airport Express Train (Flytoget) or
Airport Bus
to the Central railway station Oslo S and from there take the
train to Voss. The train journey is very beautiful but takes around 6 hours.
Following the guidelines and requirements of the Abel Board, participation in the conference is by invitation only and is limited to 40 participants.
For questions and information about participation, please contact
Trygve Johnsen at trygve <at>
or +47 77644031.
Travel and accomodation expenses will unfortunately only be covered for the invited speakers.
Refund can be processed after the meeting is over. You need to:
- Supply ticket stubs/receipts for all flights/buses/taxi/trains/etc,
which you claim reimbursement for. In case you have an electronic ticket,
please provide a printout of the ticket and seat tags. In any case, make sure to include a
receipt with the total cost of the ticket. We won't be able to process the
reimbursement without correct documentation by bureaucratic reasons.
- You need to download and fill in this form
for the arithmetic behind your claim and your bank information. You only need to fill the fields marked yellow. In the field marked "National identity number", just fill out your date of birth.
Don't forget to provide all the necessary bank information and to sign the form. University uses direct transfer into a bank account. By this reason you should provide as
detailed information as possible. Consult your bank in the case of doubts.
- Everything should be sent by regular mail to the address
Dagfinn Høyberg (for Abel Symposium),
Department of Mathematics,
University of
Johs. Brunsgt. 12
N-5008 BERGEN, Norway .
NB: Since July is a vacation month in here, it is strongly advised to send the
reimbursement letter to us at once upon return
The invited speakers and the local committe are all booked at the
Park Hotell Vossevangen in Voss, where the talks will take place.
The hotel is a 5 minutes walk away from the railway station (see the
Here the meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for the invited speakers will be served, as well as coffee during the breaks.
The expenses of the invited speakers will all be covered by the symposiom.
At the hotel they have only two terminals for public
use, but good facilities for
usage of wireless internet. Participants are given a code from the hotel.
So it might be a good idea to bring a laptop.
Here is a PDF-file with the detailed program with all the talks and abstracts.
An excursion is planned on Wednesday, after the second lecture. A bus will pick us up at the Park Hotell Vossevangen at 10:15. We will visit the steep hairpin bends of
Stalheimskleiva over a scenic mountain pass. Then we will visit the narrow
Nærøyfjord (now included on UNESCO's World Heritage List), the Aurlandsfjord and take the breathtaking
Flåm Railway.
We plan to be back at the hotel at around 18:00. We'll have lunch on the boat during the fjord tour.
Pictures from the excursion!
Conference Proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag. We urge invited speakers to submit a manuscript by
October 1st 2009. Each submission will be refereed.
Electronic submissions will be required and Springer requests
that authors utilize their macros available at:
Please submit a pdf-file as well.
The editorial board for these proceedings consists of the local organisers.
Please send the manuscript by e-mail to
Gunnar Fløystad gunnar.floystad <at>
This page was last updated June 5th2009.
Please send corrections or comments to Andreas Leopold Knutsen andreas.knutsen <at>