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Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsSeptember 28–October 1, 2010, Oslo, Norway.
Venue. The scientific program centered around mathematical and numerical aspects of various classes of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE). The symposium brought together leading experts to learn about current trends in the field. Relevant topics included (i) nonlinear hyperbolic equations arising in fluid mechanics and general relativity, including questions of existence, uniqueness, regularity, formation of singularities, and asymptotic behaviour of solutions; (ii) nonlinear elliptic equations and variational methods with applications to mathematical physics, relativistic quantum mechanics, and quantum chemistry; (iii) construction and analysis of numerical methods for nonlinear PDE. The organizing committee consisted of Helge Holden (NTNU) and Kenneth H. Karlsen (UiO). The scientific committe had the following members: Alberto Bressan (Penn State University), Maria J. Esteban (Université Paris Dauphine), Sergiu Klainerman (Princeton University), Eitan Tadmor (University of Maryland).
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