Andreas Cap - "BGG sequences and geometric overdetermined systems". Parabolic geometries form a large class of geometric structures which admit an equivalent description as Cartan geometries with homogeneous model a generalized flag manifold, the quotient of a semisimple Lie group $G$ by a parabolic subgroup $P$. This family contains many well known examples like conformal structures, hypersurface type CR structures, almost quaternionic structures, path geometries, quaternionic contact structures, and several types of generic distributions. The technique of BGG sequences associates to each irreducible representation of $G$ a sequence of differential operators which are intrinsic to the given structure. The first operator(s) in this sequence always form an overdetermined system. Many well known geometric systems arise in this way, for example the conformal Killing equations on all types of tensors. The construction of the BGG sequences automatically relates the overdetermined system in the beginning of the sequence to a linear connection on a bigger bundle. After outlining this construction, I will indicate how these methods can be extended to obtain an invariant prolongation of these overdetermined system (i.e. the construction of an equivalent invariant first order system in closed form) as well as prolongations of arbitrary semi--linear systems with the same principal symbol.